LEE Shin-Wha
Dept of Political Science and International Relations/ Peace and Democracy Insti
Professor / Director


이신화는 고려대 정치외교학과 교수, 평화와 민주주의연구소 소장 겸 한국유엔체제학회 회장이다. 또한 대한민국 공공외교위원회 민간위원, 육군발전위원, 외교부 평가위원이다. 미국 메릴랜드 주립대 국제정치학 박사, 하버드대 국제관계연구소(CFIA) post-doc 펠로우, 유엔 코피 아난 사무총장 르완다학살독립조사위 특별자문관, 유엔사무총장 평화구축기금 자문위원, 동아시아비전그룹(EAVG) 의장자문관, 유럽 GR:EEN 자문위원, 호주 아태보호책임(R2P)센터 국제자문교수, 고려대 국제처장, 콜럼비아대 초빙강의교수, MIT의 국제문제센터(CIS) 방문학자 등을 역임하였다. 주요 저서로는 “유엔 다자주의 틀에서의 강대국 정치: 안보리 결의안과 미중안보경쟁”(2018), “Is the Liberal International Order at Risk?”(2019), “미중패권경쟁시대 인태지역의 자유주의 국제질서(2020) 등이 있다.

Shin-wha LEE is Professor of Department of Political Science and International Relations & Director of Peace and Democracy Institute(PDI), Korea University; President of Korea Academic Council on the UN System; Member of Korean Committee on Public Diplomacy; Advisor of Korean Army Development; and Member of Trilateral Commission. Her previous positions include Post-doc fellow at Harvard University’s Center for International Affairs; Special advisor to UNSG Kofi Annan’s Rwandan Independent Inquiry; Chair's advisor of East Asian Vision Group; Full-time visiting lecture professor at Columbia University; Board member and Executive committee member of Academic Council on the UN Studies(ACUNS); International board member of GR:EEN, Europe; Vice President for international affairs at Korea University; Visiting scholar at MIT’s Center for International Studies(CIS); and UN Secretary General's Advisory Group Member of Peacebuilding Fund(PBF)(2014-17). She received her Ph.D from University of Maryland at College Park(1994). Her numerous publications, including Human Security and Cross-Border Cooperation in East Asia (2019), “Is the Liberal International Order at Risk?”(2019), and “Foreign Policy Dilemma in South Korean Democracy”(2021).