Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Marshall M. Bouton Fellow for Asia Studies


칼 프리드호프는 시카고국제문제협의회 연구위원(Marshall M. Bouton Fellow for Asia Studies)이다. 아산정책연구원 여론연구프로그램 연구원으로 근무하며 서울에 주재하였다. 한국국제교류재단-맨스필드재단의 한-미 넥서스 학자(US-Korea Nexus Scholar)를 지냈으며, 맨스필드재단의 3자 실무그룹에 참여하였다. 뉴욕타임즈, 월스트리트저널 등에 기고하고 있으며, TV와 라디오에서 미국의 아시아 정책, 한국 정치, 동아시아 국제관계에 대한 논평을 하고 있다. 위튼버그 대학교(Wittenberg University) 정치학과를 졸업하고, 서울대학교에서 국제통상 석사 학위를 받았다.

Karl Friedhoff is the Marshall M. Bouton Fellow for Asia Studies at the Chicago Council for Global Affairs. Mr. Friedhoff was previously based in Seoul where he was a program officer in the Public Opinion Studies Program at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. Prior to his work at the Council, he was a Korea Foundation-Mansfield Foundation US-Korea Nexus Scholar and a member of the Mansfield Foundation’s Trilateral Working Group. His writing has appeared in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, among others, and he has been a frequent guest on both TV and radio to discuss US foreign policy in Asia, South Korea’s politics, and international relations in East Asia. Mr. Friedhoff earned his BA in political science at Wittenberg University and an MA in international commerce at Seoul National University.