PARK Ihn-hwi
Ewha Womans University


PARK Ihn-hwi is a professor of the Division of International Studies at Ewha Womans University. He has been the university's Vice President of International Affairs since 2014. Prof. Park’s expertise includes international security, U.S. foreign policy, and Northeast Asian international relations. He is a member (Expert Advisor) of the Preparatory Committee for Unification, in which President Park Geun-hye presides over the committee as Chairperson. Prof. Park is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Unification, and he holds the same positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense. He was a visiting scholar at the Jackson School of International Studies of the University of Washington 2010. He also has been a Research Fellow for the Korea-US Exchange Council (2001-04). Prof. Park has written many articles in leading journals, including the International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, Korea Journal of Defense Analysis, Global Economic Review, etc. He received his Ph. D. in international politics from Northwestern University in 1999. Prof. Park can be reached at ihpark@ewha.ac.kr.