Before joining the UIBE, WEI Ling was a Professor and Director of the East Asian Studies Center, Asian Studies Institute, and Zhou Enlai Diplomatic Studies Center successively at the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU). With research interests in international relations theory, East Asian cooperation, and Chinese foreign policy, WEI Ling is the author and co-author of dozens of books and journal articles. Her recent publications include “Developmental Peace in East Asia and Its Implications for the Indo-Pacific” (International Affairs, 96:1, 2020) and “Striving for Achievement in a New Era: China Debates Its Global Role” (The Pacific Review, 33:3-4, 2020), among others. She is on the editorial board of Waijiao Pinglun [Foreign Affairs Review], Dongnanya Yanjiu [Southeast Asian Studies], and Yatai Anquan yu Haiyang Yanjiu [Asia Pacific Security and Maritime Studies]."