Seoul Tourism Organization
Executive Director - International Tourism & MICE Division


변동현은 서울관광재단 국제관광ㆍMICE본부장이다. 지난 30년 간 관광, 마케팅 분야에 종사하며 현장에 대한 이해와 실무경험을 두루 갖춘 전문가다. 1985년 노스웨스트항공에 입사 후 마케팅 부장 등을 거쳤으며 2000년 글로벌 마케팅회사 오길비원 계열인 레이섹 그룹 마케팅 본부장, 2009년 캐나다관광청 한국지사장을 역임했다. 2016년 제주도내 여행업계가 공동 설립한 (주)제이트립 여행사 사장에 임명, 인바운드·지역관광 활성화와 도내 여행업계 상생에 앞장섰다. 변동현은 서강대학교에서 영어영문학 학사 학위를, 세종대학교 세계경영대학원에서 호텔관광경영전공으로 석사 학위를 받았다.

Donghyun BYUN is the executive director of the Seoul Tourism Organization's International Tourism & MICE Division. He has been engaged in tourism and marketing for the past 30 years, and is an expert with field understanding and practical experience. He worked for Northwest Airlines and served as Executive Account Director for the Lacek Group Korea, a division of OgilvyOne, responsible for marketing strategies and tactical campaign development. He was Managing Director Korea of Canadian Tourism Commission and his role was executing programs and promotional events within the region. He was president of Jtrip Inc. from 2016 which was established to respond to the need for a travel-specialized Korean-run large inbound tour operator to spearhead Jeju’s tourism and culture industry. Donghyun BYUN earned his B.A. from Sogang University and M.B.A. in hotel tourism management from King Sejong University.