SungKongHoe University


김용득은 성공회대학교에서 사회복지를 강의하는 교수이다. 성공회대학교 일반대학원장, 사회복지연구소장을 맡고 있다. 현재 국무총리실 산하 장애인정책조정위원회 위원, 보건복지부 커뮤니티케어전문위원회 위원, 고동노동부 장애인고용촉진전문위원회 위원 등으로 활동하고 있다. 한국장애인복지학회 회장(2013-14)과 한국사회서비스 학회 회장(2016-17)을 역임하였다. 최근 발표 논문으로 “탈시설과 지역사회중심 복지서비스 구축, 어떻게 할 것인가?(2018년)”, “지역사회 기반 복지관의 공동체주의 지향성 강화 필요성과 과제(2019년)”등이 있다. 서울대학교에서 사회복지전공으로 학부, 석사, 박사를 공부하였다.

"Yong Deug Kim is a professor of Social Welfare at SungKongHoe University.
He is the dean of SungKongHoe University's general graduate school and the director of the Social Welfare Research Center. Currently, he is working as a member of the Policy Coordination Committee for Persons with Disabilities affiliated with the Prime Minister's Office, a member of the Specialized Sub-Committee for Community Care affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and a member of the Specialized Committee for the Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Labor. He served as the president of the Korea Academy for Disability and Welfare (2013-14) and the president of the Korean Association for Social Service (2016-17). Kim’s recently published papers include Deinstitutionalization and Building Community-Based Personal Social Services: Community Care that Connects Independence and Interdependence (2018) and The Necessity and Challenges to Strengthen Communityism Orientation in Community-Based Welfare Organizations - Expanding publicness discourse and changing social service model - (2019). He received his bachelor’s, master's, and doctoral degrees in Social Welfare at Seoul National University."