Center for Strategic and Cultural Studies


최진욱은 북한, 통일전문가이다. 1993년부터 통일연구원에서 남북통일, 북한정치, 동북아정세를 연구했으며 2014년 3월부터 2017년 3월까지 3년간 14대 원장으로서 제직하였다. 이 시기를 전후하여 통일정책연구협의회 의장, 통일준비위원, 민주평통자문회의 상임위원 및 기재부, 통일부, 외교부, 방송통신위원회 등의 자문위원으로서 정부 통일정책 수립을 지원하는 데 적극 참여하는 경험을 했다. 이밖에 2013년 13대 북한연구학회장, 2012년 한국정치학회 상임 부회장을 역임하는 등 활발한 학회활동을 하였다. 최진욱은 통일연구원 퇴임후 교토 리츠메이칸대에서 강의와 연구를 하던 중 2019년 동아시아평화협력연구센터를 설립하였고, 2020년 5월 서울에 전략문화연구센터를 설립하여 운영하고 있다 「현대북한행정론 제2판」. (서울: 명인문화사, 2008)을 비롯해 100여편의 국영문 논문이 있다. . 최진욱은 1992년 미국 신시내티대학교에서 정치학 박사학위를 취득했다.

Jinwook Choi’s major research field is North Korea, Korean Unification, and Northeast Asian security. Dr. Choi was the 14th President of the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU), from March 2014 to March 2017, which he joined as research fellow in 1993. In 2017, when he left KINU, he took a position as a visiting research fellow at Ritsumeikan University, and then taught as a visiting professor in 2018.He opened Center for East Asian Peace and Cooperation and has been a chair professor there. He also opened Center for Strategic and Cultural Studies in Seoul in 2019, when he came back to Korea. He has been active in policy advice for ROK government as well as in academic research. He was the 13th President of the Korea Association for North Korean Studies (KANKS) in 2013, and served as a member of various advisory committees of ROK government including President, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Unification. He is the author of two books and more than 100 research papers (research monographs, book chapters and journal articles), including “How to Stop North Korea's Nuclear Ambition," Journal of Contemporary East Asia Studies." vol. 7, 2018. “China’s Security Dynamism and the Korean Unification” in Lowell Dittmer and Maochun Yu, Handbook on China, Routledege(2015). Dr. Choi received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Cincinnati in 1992.