Jeju National University


김경호 교수는 미국 Southern Illinois University에서 저널리즘 박사 학위를 받으며, 변호사인 로버트 스펠만(Robert L. Spellman) 교수와 함께 ‘취재보도 과정에서 발생하는 인격권의 침해와 윤리적 문제’ 등을 연구했다. 한국언론학회 이사, 한국방송학회 이사, 한국언론법학회 부회장, 제주언론학회 회장, ‘제주MBC 시사진단’ 진행자를 역임했다. 영자신문 ‘제주위클리’를 창간하여 편집인을 지냈으며, 풀브라이트(Fulbright) 교수로 선정되었고, 마르퀴즈 후즈후(Marquis Who’s Who) 세계인명사전에도 등재되었다. ‘언론과 진실: 이상한 동거’ (2008), ‘선거와 표현의 자유’ (2015), ‘샷 분석을 통한 대통령선거 TV토론 연구’ (2019) 등 다수의 저서와 논문이 있다.

Professor Gyong Ho Kim received a doctorate in journalism from Southern Illinois University. Professor Kim served as vice president of the Korean Society for Media Law, Ethics, and Policy Research, the president of Jeju Society for Journalism & Communication Studies’ and the board director of the Korean Association for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Studies. He was the anchor of the Jeju MBC TV debate program for three years. Professor Kim founded the English newspaper, the Jeju Weekly, and served as the executive editor. He was selected as a Fulbright professor, and was listed in the Marquis Who’s Who for the achievement of his researches. He published many books and articles. Among them are Journalism & truth: strange bedfellows (2008), Election and freedom of expression (2015), and An analysis of video shots shown in the presidential debates: 2017 Korean presidential election and 2016 U.S. presidential election (2019).