CHOI Hyung Du
Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea


최형두는 경남 창원시 출신으로, 서울대학교 사회학과를 졸업하고 하버드대 케네디스쿨 정책대학원에서 행정학 석사를 받았다. 1989년 한국언론문화사에서 기자생활을 시작해 1991년 문화일보 기자, 워싱턴특파원, 논설위원을 역임했다. 2012~2013년 국무총리실에서 공보실장과 대변인을 맡았으며, 2013~2014년 청와대 대통령 비서실 홍보기획비서관을, 2014~2015년 국회 대변인을 지냈다. 이어 2019년 자유한국당 신정치혁신특별위원회 위원과 경남도당 홍보위원장을 역임하고, 국민의힘 원내대변인을 지냈다. 2020년 5월 제21대 국회의원(경남 창원시마산합포구/국민의힘)에 당선되어 현재 국회 문화체육관광위원회와 예산결산특별위원회 위원으로 활동하고 있다. 지역신문발전지원특별법 개정안 등을 대표 발의했다.

Born in Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province, Choi Hyung-doo graduated from Seoul National University with a bachelor's degree in sociology and received a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University's Kennedy School School of Policy. He began his career as a journalist at the Korean Press and Culture History in 1989 and served as a Munhwa Ilbo reporter, Washington correspondent, and editorial writer in 1991. He served as the head of the Public Affairs Office and spokesman for the Prime Minister's Office between 2012 and 2013, as the presidential secretary for public relations planning between 2013 and 2014, and as a spokesman for the National Assembly from 2014 to 2015. In 2019, he served as a member of the Liberty Korea Party's Special Committee on New Political Innovation, and chairman of the Gyeongnam Provincial Party's Public Relations Committee, and served as floor spokesman for the People's Power Party. In May 2020, he was elected as the 21st member of the National Assembly (Masanhappo-gu, Changwon City, Gyeongnam/People;s Power Party) and is currently a member of the National Assembly's Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee and the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts. He proposed a revision to the Special Act on Supporting the Development of Local Newspapers.