KIM Sang-Hyup
Jeju Research Institute


2020년 현재 제주연구원장, KAIST 녹색성장대학원 초빙교수로 재직하고 있으며, (사)우리들의미래 설립인 및 前 이사장 前 청와대 국정기획실 미래비전비서관과 차관급인 녹색성장기획관을 지냈다. 매일경제신문 워싱턴 특파원(1997)과 세계지식포럼 창립 멤버(2000), 다보스 세계경제포럼(WEF) Global Agenda Council 위원(2008), 글로벌녹색성장기구(GGGI) 이사(2010)를 역임하였다. 서울대학교를 졸업하고 한국신문협회 대상(2003), 한국방송협회 올해의 방송인상(2007), 홍조근정훈장(2010), 한국언론인협회의 자랑스런 한국인대상(녹색성장부문, 2012), 황조근정훈장(2012) 등을 수상하였다.

Sang-Hyup Kim is the president of Jeju Research Institute, a visiting professor at Graduate School of Green Growth, College of Business, KAIST and the founder and former chairman of Coalition for Our Common Future. Prior to joining KAIST, he worked at the Office of the President of the Republic of Korea in 2008 as the Secretary for National Future and Vision, where he contributed in setting the historic “Low Carbon Green Growth” vision for Korea. In 2011, he became the Senior Secretary to the President for Green Growth, coordinating the planning, development and implementation of Korea’s Green Growth strategy. Through collaboration with the Presidential Committee on Green Growth and relevant ministries, his agenda ranges from national implementation of Green Growth policies to international climate change negotiations and promoting global cooperation for making Green Growth became a truly global asset. He also served as a member of the Global Agenda Council.