Ambassador of Denmark to the ROK



2019 - Present
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to the Republic of Korea and side accredited to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
2015 - 2019
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to the United Republic of Tanzania and side accredited to the Republics of Zambia, Malawi and Mauritius
2012 - 2015
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Department, Humanitarian Action Civil Society and Personnel Advisors
2010 - 2012
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Department, Humanitarian Action,Development Policy and Civil Society
2006 - 2010
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
2003 - 2006
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Department, Quality Assurance – Development Assistance
2001 - 2003
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of Department, South East Asia and the Pacific
1999 - 2001
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Director, Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development
1995 -1999
Ministry Foreign Affairs,Environmental Attaché, Embassy of Denmark in South Africa, Pretoria
1993 - 1995
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Deputy Director, Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development
1991 - 1993
Ministry of Environment and Energy, Advisor to the Minister
1987 - 1991
Danish Environmental Protection Agency Head of Section and Deputy Director in the Agricultural Division

2019 – 현 駐 대한민국 대사
2015 – 2019년 駐 탄자니아 대사 (잠비아, 말라위, 모리셔스 겸임)
2012 – 2015년 덴마크 외교부 인도지원 시민사회 국장
2010 – 2012년 덴마크 외교부 인도지원 개발정책 시민사회 국장
2006 – 2010년 駐 방글라데시 대사
2003 – 2006년 덴마크 외교부 개발원조 국장
2001 – 2003년 덴마크 외교부 아세안태평양국장
1999 – 2001년 덴마크 환경보호청 환경개발협력과장
1995 – 1999년 駐 남아프리카공화국 대사관 환경담당관
1993 – 1995년 덴마크 환경보호청 환경개발협력과 사무관
1991 – 1993년 덴마크 환경에너지부 장관정책 자문관
1987 – 1991년 덴마크 환경보호청 농업정책과 사무관