CHO Pan-Ki
Research Center for Public Land, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements


Having led research in the field of public land and urban policy for the past 24 years, Mr. Cho has
contributed to the development of Sejong Happy(Multifunctional Administrative) City by being
involved in devising the city’s various urban masterplans such as the Sejong urban development
masterplan and the long-term development plan in addition to having been a member of the City
Planning Committee. Furthermore, through his extensive research in public land development
and living SOC, combined with his experiences in devising masterplans of other cities/regions, he
has contributed to progress in the field of public land and urban policy.

조판기 센터장은 국토·도시정책 분야 연구자로 24년간을 행복도시건설기본계획, 행복도시개발계획, 행복도시광역도시계획, 행복도시장기발전방안, 행복도시위원회 전문위원 참여 등 행복도시 발전에 기여하고 다수의 도시 및 지역계획, 국유지 토지개발 연구, 생활인프라 연구 등 국토 및 지역발전 계획에 앞장섬으로써 국토·도시개발정책 분야 발전에 공헌을 하였다.