BAN Ki-moon
8th Secretary-General of UN


2007년 UN 사무총장에 선출된 반기문은 세계에서 가장 불가능한 직업을 가능하게 만들고자 10년간 전세계를 누비며 평화 유지와 인권 보호를 위해 힘썼다. UN 수장으로 재임하며 지속가능개발목표(SDGs), 파리기후변화협약, 민주주의 신장, 빈곤 퇴치, 양성평등 실현 등 세계 평화와 안보 유지를 위한 업적을 남겼다. 그는 정통 외교관 출신으로 외교통상부장관을 역임하는 등 요직을 두루 거치며 30여 년간 공직에 몸 담은 바 있다.

1970 서울대학교 외교학과 학사
1985 하버드대학교 케네디 행정대학원 석사
2008 서울대학교 명예 외교학 박사
2016 케임브리지대학교 명예법학박사
2016 싱가포르 국립대학교 명예박사
2018 보르도대학교 명예박사

1970 외무부 입부
1996 외무부 외교정책실장
1996 대통령 외교안보 수석비서관
1998 주오스트리아 대사
2000 외교통상부 차관
2003 대통령 외교보좌관
2004 제33대 외교통상부 장관
2007~2016.12 제8대 UN 사무총장
2017.07~ 연세대학교 글로벌사회공헌원 및 반기문 지속가능성장센터 명예원장
2017.09~ IOC (International Olympic Committee) 윤리위원장
2018.01~ 반기문세계시민센터 공동위원장
2018.02~ Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) 의장
2018.04~ Boao Forum for Asia 이사장
2019.04~ 보다 나은 미래를 위한 반기문재단 이사장
2019.04~ 국가기후환경회의 위원장

In April 2019, Mr. Ban was elected as the Chairman of Presidential National Council on Climate and Air Quality (NCCA). In April 2018, Mr. Ban was elected as the Chairman of Boao Forum for Asia. In January 2018, Mr. Ban, along with former President of Austria Mr. Heinz Fischer, were inducted as Co-Chairs of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Ban Ki-moon was also elected as Chairman of IOC Ethics Committee in September 2017. Currently, he is the Distinguished Chair Professor and Honorary Chairman at the Institute of Global Engagement & Empowerment at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. In February 2018, he was elected and has been serving as the President of the Assembly & Chair of the Council of Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).
Prior to these appointments, Mr. Ban served two consecutive terms as the Secretary General of the United Nations (2007-2016).
Throughout his tenure at the UN, Mr. Ban strove to be a bridge builder, to give voice to the world’s poorest and the most vulnerable people, and to make the Organization more transparent and effective. He successfully pressed for action to combat climate change - an effort that culminated in the adoption and rapid entry into the landmark Paris Agreement in 2016. Mr. Ban worked closely with member states of the UN to shape the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to establish UN Women, which has been advancing the Organization’s work for gender equality and women’s empowerment. Mr. Ban also launched major efforts to strengthen UN peace operations, to protect human rights, to improve humanitarian response, and to prevent violent extremism and to revitalize the disarmament agenda.

World Leaders Messages

8th Secretary-General of UN
I call on all Asian countries to deepen dialogue and engagement, expand cooperation, nurture partnerships, and solidify collaboration. There are no winners in violent conflict-only lost generations, greater poverty, and deep bitterness.