윤 용진 교수는 미국 스탠포드 대학교에서기계공학 석사 (2004년), 전자공학 석사 (2008년), 기계공학 박사 및 경영 공학 박사 부전공 (2009년) 학위를 받았다. 2010년 1월 ~ 2018년 8월까지 싱가포르 난양 공과 대학교 (NTU) 기계 항공 공학부 교수로 재직했으며, 현재 카이스트 기계공학과 부교수, 싱가포르 난양공과대학 겸임 부교수로 재직중이다. 연구분야로는, Hearing Mechanics, MEMS, Microfluidics, 3D Printed Biomedical Devices, 3D printing 공정 및 응용, ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition) 공정 및 응용 등을 연구하고 있다. 또한, Smart City 정책 및 Smart Mobility 연구 및 정책 개발에 적극적으로 지원하고 있으며, 다수의 Global Start-up 창업 경력과 Incubating 및 투자 경험을 바탕으로 국내 외 대학, 기관, 회사, 및 협회와 함께 Stanford Design Thinking 글로벌 창업 강의도 활발히 진행 하고 있다. 창업 관련 관심 분야는 ASEAN 창업 경영, 3D Printing 을 활용한 Stanford Design Thinking 창업 교육, 한국 Start-up 기업의 글로벌 창업 지원, 교내 교원/학생 기술 창업 정책등이다.
Dr. Yoon obtains his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering with two Master degrees from Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Dr. Yoon also obtains his Ph.D. minor in Management Science and Engineering during his graduate study in Stanford. His current research activities include developing Lab-Chip biosensors, medical devices, hearing mechanics, and 3D printing for bioresearch. Besides research, Dr. Yoon is interested in an academic-based entrepreneur career as a start-up accelerator. For the past years, he has been actively incubating start-ups and research based spin-off companies, where he took the lead to raise startup funding from government entities and renowned global venture capitals.
Dr. Yoon obtains his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering with two Master degrees from Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Dr. Yoon also obtains his Ph.D. minor in Management Science and Engineering during his graduate study in Stanford. His current research activities include developing Lab-Chip biosensors, medical devices, hearing mechanics, and 3D printing for bioresearch. Besides research, Dr. Yoon is interested in an academic-based entrepreneur career as a start-up accelerator. For the past years, he has been actively incubating start-ups and research based spin-off companies, where he took the lead to raise startup funding from government entities and renowned global venture capitals.