ABDUL AZIZ Danish Karokhel
Pajhwok Afghan News
Editor in Chief


다니시 카로켈은 파즈옥 아프간뉴스의 설립자로 1976년 카불에서 태어났다. 약 12년 간 파즈옥 아프간뉴스의 비전과 방향 설립에 기여하며 아프간과 국제미디어, 외교관, 연구원, 정부등을 대상으로 한 파즈옥 저널리즘의 발전을 위해 노력했다.
그는 , , , < Journalists in Dari> 등의 저서를 저술했다. 또한 아프가니스탄 언론을 대표하는 인물이자 인권, 평화활동가이다. 2014년 아프가니스탄에서는 처음으로 국경없는 기자협회(RSF)의 Information Heroes 100인에 선정되었고, 2008년 언론인보호위원회(CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists)의 국제언론자유상(International Press Freedom Award) 및 2012년 남아시아자유언론협회(South Asian Free Media Association) 언론자유상(Press Freedom Whiting award)를 수상하는 등 국제적으로도 아프가니스탄의 인권과 언론 자유를 위해 헌신한 공로를 인정받고 있는 인권/평화운동가이자 언론인이다.

Danish Karokhel is the founding Director of Pajhwok Afghan News, was born in Kabul in 1976. For almost 12 years, he has been responsible for the agency’s vision and direction; daily production of high quality news stories, photos, and multimedia in three languages for customers in Afghan and international media, wire services, diplomats, researchers and government ministries; the creation of a sustainable revenue stream; and the professional development of Pajhwok journalists.

Danish’s successful leadership of Pajhwok has been the result of his depth of skills and experience. His career as a journalist began in 1997 when he reported for a series of newspapers published in Pakistan. With a deep understanding of the importance of independent media to Afghanistan’s recovery, he returned to his country after the fall of the Taliban to report on the war for local and international media organizations. Danish’s nuanced understanding of Afghan politics and culture, dedication to producing news in accordance with the highest journalistic standards and ability to lead, train and communicate with journalists in ways that were immediately relevant to their work led him to establish Pajhwok, a national news agency committed to promoting human rights, holding government officials and elites accountable to the Afghan people, and fostering greater participation in national life.

He has authored of four Books titled Professional Journalism, Access to Information, Human Trafficking in Pashto and a remarkably informative book on the state of journalism in Afghanistan titled Guide for Journalists in Dari.

In addition to leading Pajhwok, Danish is a member of several regional leadership conferences and a regular public speaker on behalf of the Afghan media, development of journalistic capacity, and national recovery and he is a human right and peace activist. He is the winner of the 2008 International Press Freedom Award of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and he is the winner of the 2012 Press Freedom Whiting award from South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA).In May 3, 2014 Danish Karokhel, have been included in the first-ever list of 100 information heroes by Reporters without Borders -- also known as RSF.