CHOO Jaewoo
Kyunghee University
Professor in the Department of Chinese Studies


주재우 교수는 현재 경희대학교 중국어학과에 재직 중이다. 국가안보정책연구소 (現 국제안보전략연구원), 무역협회 무역연구소(現 국제무역연구원)의 연구위원을 역임했다. 조지아 공대(Georgia Tech) 샘넌 국제관계학원(Sam Nunn School of International Affairs)의 방문부교수(Visiting Associate Professor, 2011-12)와 브루킹스연구원(Brookings Institution)의 방문학자(Visiting Fellow, 2014) 등을 역임했다. 아시아타임즈(Asia Times, 2002-5)와 International Public Policy Review(IPPReview, 2016-현재), 한국일보(2018), 아주경제에 한반도문제 관련 기고가로 활동하고 있다. 학력으로 미국 웨슬리언대학교(Wesleyan University) 정치학 학사, 북경대학교 국제관계학원 석박사를 취득했다. 연구 관심 분야로 중국대외관계, 미중관계, 북중관계, 다자안보협력 등이다. 최근의 저서로는 『한국인을 위한 미중관계사: 한국전쟁에서 사드 갈등까지』 (서울: 경인문화사, 2017)와 『팩트로 읽는 미중의 한반도 전략』 (서울: 종이와 나무, 2018). 현재 미북관계, 김정일시대의 북중관계 등을 집필 중.

Jaewoo Choo is Professor of Chinese foreign policy in the Department of Chinese Studies at Kyung Hee University, Korea. He was a Visiting Fellow at Center for East Asia Policy Studies, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. (March-June 2014) and a Visiting Professor in Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Institute of Technology (2011-12). He is a graduate of Wesleyan University (BA in Government) and Peking University (MA & Ph.D. in International Relations).

He previously worked at a number of think tanks in Korea, such as National Security Policy Institute and Institute for International Trade at Korea International Trade Association (KITA). He is also currently a consultant to Gerson Lehrman Group Councils, New York on Chinese affairs since 2010. Research interests are Chinese foreign policy, multilateral security cooperation, US-China relations, and China-North Korea relations. He was also a contributor to Asia Times Online (www.atimes.com) from 2002 to 2005 and currently a contributor to International Public Policy Review (www.ippreview.com), Hankook Ilbo(2018), and Aju Economy on Northeast Asian affairs.

Recent publications include US-China relations for Koreans: From Korean War to THAAD Conflicts (Seoul: Kyung-In Publishing House, 2017, in Korean), US and China’s Strategy on the Korean Peninsula: Reading from the Facts (Seoul: Paper & Tree, 2018, in Korean). Currently working on a book manuscript on US-North Korea relations and China-North Korean relations during Kim Jong-il’s era.