HA Dae-sung
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Director General for Territorial Policy


하대성은 연세대학교 행정학과를 졸업하고, 공공정책학으로 사이타대학교에서 석사학위를 취득했다. 그는 제36회 행정고시에 합격하여 국토교통부 신도시택지개발과장, 경기도 도시주택실장, 국토교통부 익산지방국토관리청장, 국가균형발전위원회 국장 등을 역임하였으며, 현재는 국토교통부 국토정책관으로 재직 중이다.

Director General Dae Sung HA, earned a bachelor’s degree in public administration from Yonsei University and a master’s degree in public policy from Saita University. He passed the 36th public administration examination and served as Director of Urban Housing in New towns of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), Deputy Minister of Urban Housing of Gyeong-gi Province, Chief of Ik-san Regional Construction and Management Administration of MOLIT and Director General of National Balanced Development Committee. He is currently serving as Director General of Territorial Policy.