RHYU Sang-young
Yonsei University


류상영은 현재 연세대학교 국제학대학원 교수이고 동아시아재단의 운영이사이면서 <동아시아정책논쟁>의 editor 를 맡고 있다. 연세대 대학원에서 정치경제학으로 박사학위를 받았고, 삼성경제연구소 수석연구원(1995-2001)을 지낸바 있으며 일본 게이오대학 방문연구원(1992-1994), 캐나다 브리티시컬럼비아대학교(2009-2010)와 토론토대학교(2018-2019)의 방문교수 등 지냈다. 김대중도서관 관장(2004-2009)을 역임하면서 <김대중 구술사>를 구축하는 등 사료 수집과 연구에 힘썼다. 그는 박정희와 김대중의 역사와 정치경제에 관해서 많은 연구결과를 출간하였다. 주요 저작으로 (2015), (2019) 등이 있다.

Sang-young Rhyu is a professor of political economy at the Graduate School of International Studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea. He received his Ph.D. from Yonsei University, majoring in Korean political economy. He served as a senior research fellow at the Samsung Economic Research Institute (1995-2001) and was a visiting professor at Keio University in Japan (1992-1994), the University of British Columbia (2009-2010) and the University of Toronto (2018-2019) in Canada. As the director of the Kim Dae-jung Presidential Library and Museum (2004-2009), he researched and collected numerous historical records and assembled the Kim Dae-jung Oral History Collection. He has published many articles on the political economy and history of Kim Dae-jung and Park Chung Hee. He is also the editor of EAF Policy Debates. His major publications include The Spirit of Korean Development (2015), and The Political Economy of Change and Continuity in Korea: Twenty Years of the Crisis (2019).