Ambassador of Norway to the Republic of Korea


프로데 술베르그 대사는 1995년 노르웨이 외교부 외교관 양성교육과정을 거친 후 외교관의 길을 걷고 있다. 그 전에는 노르웨이 군사학교에서 언어와 정치학을 전공했고 노르웨이 국군장교로 일했다. 군사학교와 외교관 양성교육과정 외에도 노르웨이 베르겐 대학교에서 국제기후변화 과정을 공부했다.

술베르그 대사는 노르웨이 외교부 인사담당관, 스웨덴 공사, 부대사, 주 독일 노르웨이대사관 참사관 등을 역임했고 2018년 7월 주한 노르웨이 대사로 부임했다.
술베르그 대사는 아내 Herta Marie Solberg와의 사이에 두 자녀를 두었다.

Ambassador Frode Solberg joined the Diplomatic Trainee Programme in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1995, and has been a career diplomat ever since. Before joining the foreign service, he served as an officer in the Norwegian Armed Forces after having graduated from the Norwegian Military Academy with focus on language and political science. In addition to his military and diplomatic education, he also has a short programme on Global Climate Changes from the University in Bergen, Norway.

Before coming to the Republic of Korea, Ambassador Solberg had the position as Personnel Director in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has experience from many different positions both in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo as well as Norwegian Embassies abroad, including Minister and Deputy Head of Mission in Stockholm, Counsellor at the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin as well as postings in his country’s Embassies in Vienna and Abu Dhabi.

He has been Norwegian Ambassador to the Republic of Korea since July 2018.

He is married to Herta Marie Solberg and together they have two children.