성지은은 고려대학교에서 행정학 박사학위를 취득했으며, 현재 과학기술정책연구원에서 연구위원으로 근무하고 있다. 주요 연구 분야는 리빙랩, 과학기술혁신 거버넌스, 통합형 혁신정책 등이며, 산업통상자원부 사회적 경제 자문단, 과학기술정보통신부 ICT R&D 사업심의위원회 민간위원으로 활동하고 있다.
Ji-Eun Seong is currently a Research Fellow at STEPI (Science and Technology Policy Institute), a public research institute under the Office of the Prime Minister in South Korea. She received a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Korea University and her research topics include living labs, science and technology innovation governance, and integrated innovation policy. She is also a member of the Social Economy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and a member of the ICT R & D Business Review Committee of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Information.
Ji-Eun Seong is currently a Research Fellow at STEPI (Science and Technology Policy Institute), a public research institute under the Office of the Prime Minister in South Korea. She received a Ph.D. in Public Administration from Korea University and her research topics include living labs, science and technology innovation governance, and integrated innovation policy. She is also a member of the Social Economy Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and a member of the ICT R & D Business Review Committee of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Information.