서영빈은 1961년 9월 26일 중국 헤이룽지앙 출생으로 현재 중국 대외경제무역대학 외국어학원 원장, 조선반도문제연구센터 센터장으로 재직중이다. 국제고려학회 부회장 겸 아시아분회 회장, 중국 조선-한국문학연구회 부회장, 중국조선어학회 부이사장, 중국조선어사정위원회 부주임위원을 담당하고 있다. 저서로 ≪서사문학의 재조명≫, ≪한국의 비즈니스환경≫, ≪한국현당대문학사≫(공저) 등이 있다.
Professor Xu, born in September 26th, 1961 in Heilongjiang Province of China.
He works for a Dean of College of Foreign Languages,University of International Business and Economics in China now. At the same time, he is in charge of a deputy director of International Society for Korean Studies ‘ISKS’ and a director of Asia Society in ‘ISKS’, a deputy director of China Korean literature Society, a deputy director of China Korean Linguistics Society, a deputy director of the committee of Korean Linguistics in China. He has written the definitive books on Korean literature andEconomics, like as < review of the epic literature>,, and so on.
Professor Xu, born in September 26th, 1961 in Heilongjiang Province of China.
He works for a Dean of College of Foreign Languages,University of International Business and Economics in China now. At the same time, he is in charge of a deputy director of International Society for Korean Studies ‘ISKS’ and a director of Asia Society in ‘ISKS’, a deputy director of China Korean literature Society, a deputy director of China Korean Linguistics Society, a deputy director of the committee of Korean Linguistics in China. He has written the definitive books on Korean literature andEconomics, like as < review of the epic literature>,