
The Future of Geopolitics in Northeast Asia: Issues and Discourses

10:20 ~ 11:50
East Asia Foundation
Samda Hall
The tensions have been growing across Northeast Asia including the Korean peninsula where fierce competition among the superpowers like the US, China, Russia, and Japan is taking place. Along with North Korea’s nuclear development and the international society’s pressure and sanctions toward it, an apparent new Cold War system seems to be contributing to intensifying the geopolitical tensions in Northeast Asia. There are countless obstacles in this region, like the America-First policy initiated by the new US administration, the deteriorated Korea-China relation due to the deployment of THAAD, the North Korea nuclear issue, the remained historical issues among Korea, China and Japan, and the maritime disputes between China and Japan. With all these problems here, this session explores how Northeast Asia makes its way out of its geopolitical traps to pioneer a new future.