
Korea-China Business Channels to Success in Environmental Technology

17:20 ~ 18:40
Korea Human Development Institute, Korea-China Technology Platform
China has implemented various environmental policies over the last 40 years of high economic growth. However, it still consumes the most energy, becoming the country that discharges the largest air pollutants globally. As people’s complaints grow about serious air pollution resulting from power plants using coal and the rapid increase in emissions from cars, industrial wastewater, and household waste, in January 2015, the Chinese government made the first amendment in 25 years to its environmental protection laws. The amendment, the boldest environment-friendly action ever in Chinese history, led to the shutdown of over 9,300 highly polluting factories in just six months, with fines of 236 million yuan slapped on polluters.
Korea, as a close neighbor of China, should be encouraged to expand cooperation with the country to jointly address Chinese environmental issues and set up a new environmental paradigm. This session will discuss ways to promote the exchange of environmental technologies between the two countries and develop business opportunities in protecting the environment.