
Identifying Roles of Local Governments in Expanding Peace

14:50 ~ 16:20
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Samda Hall
“America First” in the United Stated as President Trump took office, bold moves of Chinese President Xi Jinping after building his solid power base and joining the ranks of superpower countries, diplomatic and economic policies boasted by Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo filled with confidence as he will remain in power until 2021, the stronger position of Russian President Vladimir Putin as an influential leader in the international community; this global political landscape predicts a new kind of a cold-war era. An international order has been reshaped focusing more on powerful countries and their interests. Therefore, better ways can be explored with different cities across the world to further secure peace and resolve conflicts among countries, too difficult to deal with for themselves, through international exchanges and cooperation among local governments, with less at stake.