[Newsletter Vol.14] Jeju Haenyeo in the Eyes of World
2017-05-16 00:00:00
Jeju Haenyeo in the Eyes of World
The Legacy of Haenyeo Culture Session at the Jeju Forum on June 2
The culture of Jeju haenyeo (female divers), registered as one of the Intangible CulturalHeritages of UNESCO, is expected to captivate the participants in the Jeju Forum forPeace and Prosperity from the world.Famous artists home and abroad, who have portrayed the life and work of the Jejuhaenyeo in their photos, writings and films, will join the session on the haenyeo cultureof Jeju Island, slated to open at 10:20 a.m. on June 2, 2017, the third day of the JejuForum.Under the session theme, “From Babies to Grannies of the Sea: Global Promotion andSustainability of Jeju Haenyeo,” haenyeo who are still active will give testimonies to theirlife, and experts in cultural administration will discuss the fellowship, cultural value andsustainability of the Jeju haenyeo culture.The session will be hosted by BAK Sangmee (Dean, Graduate School of Internationaland Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies / facilitator, UNESCO IntangibleCultural Heritage Convention), and joined by the panelists, NGUYEN Thi Hien (member,UNESCO Intangible Heritage Evaluation Body / Vice Director, Vietnam National Instituteof Culture and Arts Studies); Joey ROSITANO (filmmaker and photojournalist); BrendaPAIK SUNOO (photojournalist); LEE Sun-hwa (Jeju Special Self-Governing ProvincialCouncilor), KANG Aeshim (principal, Beobhwan Haenyeo School), CHAE Jiae (Jejuhaenyeo); and KOH Heeyoung (director of the movie, Mulsum).Dean BAK, concurrently a member of the Cultural Properties Committee, has played akey role in registering the Jeju haenyeo, traditional Korean music of peasants andkimchi-making culture as UNESCO heritages. BAK emphasized, “The efforts to preservehaenyeo culture should be a good example for the global discourse on conservationand utilization of the intangible heritages.”The folklore expert, NGUYEN Thi Hien, who participated in the selection of the Jejuhaenyeo as a UNESCO cultural heritage, will present his view on the efforts of UNESCOto preserve cultural heritages and the cultural value of the Jeju haenyeo in the session.Brenda PAIK SUNOO, a third-generation Korean-American, has published “Moon Tides-Jeju Island Grannies and the Sea,” a collection of her photos, essays and interviews withthe haenyeo for two years in Jeju Island. “I sought to present the independent life ofhaenyeo as a model for women. I want to let the unique and mysterious life of haenyeoknown all over the world,” BAK said.Joey ROSITANO is filming a documentary on haenyeo by visiting every village of JejuIsland to keep record of the endangered folk culture of Jeju Island. He published aphoto book, “Spirits” and a documentary, “Spirits: Jeju Island's Shamanic Shrines.” He isalso giving a lecture on Yeongdeung shaman ritual for welfare and good harvest.A Jeju native, KOH Heeyoung has produced a documentary, Mulsum, which filmed thelife of haenyeo for seven years. The film released in September, 2016 captured thetouching drama of haenyeo life in the stunning scenes on land and underwater in 50:50ratio.Director KOH will present the essence of her film in eight-minute footage in the session,which will be followed by three haenyeo songs by Jerajin Children’s Choir.CHAE Jiae, a young haenyeo, will tell about the haenyeo population now decreasingand growing older. KANG Aesim, head of the haenyeo society, and LEE Sun-hwa, whohas drafted legislation to preserve haenyeo culture, will discuss administrative measuresto support haenyeo.Brenda PAIK SUNOO will distribute her photo-essay book (240-page hardcover editionpublished by Seoul Selection) to 70 participants in the autograph event after thesession. She lives in Aewol-eup in Jeju Island.The session on haenyeo culture is expected to be attended by 300 from 50 countries,including the participants in the session hosted by Asia-Pacific Centre of Education ForInternational Understanding under the Auspices of UNESCO.A haenyeo photo exhibition, organized by the Jeju Haenyeo Museum, will be held infront of the Halla Hall at the Jeju International Convention Center, the venue of thesession. Participants of the session will be given the opportunity to observe the life ofhaenyeo during a visit to Beobhwan Haenyeo School in the afternoon. The on-lineapplicants for the visit will depart at the convention center for the school at 2:30 p.m.on June 2.The online application to join the autograph session and the haenyeo school tour is dueby May 26. Some of the suggestions made by the applicants for the program will bepresented at the session. Among the applicants, 70 will be given the opportunity to jointhe autograph session and 30 to visit the haenyeo school by the order of application.