The 7th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity reviewed these changes within historic context and highlight the future of Asia. The work of the forum was to pursue peace and common prosperity of the region on the basis of a sense of community. The interdependence and cultural fusion in Asia are surely contribute to the promotion of this sense of community. The issue of common prosperity was addressed and the potentiality of new growth on the basis of Asian entrepreneurship was explored. New growth engines, future of the IT industry, environmental conservation, sustainable management, financial cooperation, official development assistance, welfare expansion, city design, and the role of women are among the forum's topic.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

15:30 ~ 16:50
[9-D] Need and Action Plan for Chinatown Development
제주도 투자유치 활성화 방안: 차이나타운 개발 컨셉의 도입 필요성과 추진 전략
Crystal Hall B
[Jeju Free International City Development Center (JDC)]

JUNG, Youngmo (Former Head, JDC Project Promotion Division)

BAIK, InGyu (Head, JDC Tourism Business Dept.)
JANG, Jin Bo (Professor, Jeju National University Law School)
JANG, Hee Soon (Professor, Gangwon National University)

HAN, Bing (H&J Law Firm, Director Chairman)
TANG, Xiao Dan (Chairman, Silversun Group)
DONGCUN, Jiao (former General Consul, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Busan)

JIN, Yoe Hun (General Manager, Aerospace Museum Dept. JDC)

정용모 (前 JDC 투자사업본부장)

장진보 (제주대학교 법학전문대학원 교수)
백인규 (JDC 관광사업처장)

장희순 (강원대학교 부동산학과 교수)
한삥 (한주어율사사무소 대표 변호사)
탕샤오단 (실버썬 그룹 회장)
초동촌 (前 부산 중국총영사)

진여훈 (JDC 관광사업2처 과장)

A new concept of Chinatown has been promoted recently in Jeju and, as the interest in this project increases, the number of potential investors is increasing as well. This may reflect the economic growth of China and the increasing number of Chinese tourists to Jeju. The realization of this project will bring more Chinese tourists, promote exchange with China and induce more Chinese capital into Jeju. The vision and direction for making this project successful and maximizing its effects will be discussed.

최근 새로운 차이나타운 컨셉의 복합단지 개발이 제주도내에서 관심을 끌고 있으며, 구체적으로 이를 실행하고자 하는 투자자가 많아지고 있습니다. 이는, 최근 증가하고 있는 중국관광객과 높아지는 중국 경제의 위상을 반영한 것으로 보이며, 실제 개발되었을 경우 중국 관광객 증가, 중국과의 교류 증대, 중국자본의 유입 등의 효과를 기대할 수 있을 것입니다.
이에 따라 개발 사업의 성공가능성을 높이고 파급효과를 극대화할 수 있는 비전과 추진 방향에 대해 논의해보고자 합니다.

