The 7th Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity reviewed these changes within historic context and highlight the future of Asia. The work of the forum was to pursue peace and common prosperity of the region on the basis of a sense of community. The interdependence and cultural fusion in Asia are surely contribute to the promotion of this sense of community. The issue of common prosperity was addressed and the potentiality of new growth on the basis of Asian entrepreneurship was explored. New growth engines, future of the IT industry, environmental conservation, sustainable management, financial cooperation, official development assistance, welfare expansion, city design, and the role of women are among the forum's topic.

Host: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, International Peace Foundation, East Asia Foundation, JoongAng Ilbo 
Organizer: Jeju Peace Institute

14:00 ~ 15:20
[3-B] 20 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and China: Advancing Strategic Cooperative Partnership
한·중 수교 20년: 전략적 협력 동반자 관계 발전방향
Crystal Hall B
[Korea National Diplomatic Academy(KNDA), Center for Chinese Studies]

SHIN, Jung-Seung (Director, Center for Chinese Studies, KNDA / former South Korean ambassador to PRC)

Presenters & Discussants
KWON, Byong Hyon (Chairman, Future Forest / Chief Negotiator, ROK-PRC Diplomatic Normalization)
KIM, Suk-woo (President, National Development Institute)
ZHANG, Tingyan (Vice President, China-ROK Friendship Association / former the 1st Chinese ambassador to South Korea)
XU, Dunxin (A member of Foreign Policy Advisory Group / Chief Negotiator, ROK-PRC Diplomatic Normalization)

HUH, Eun Jin (Center for Chinese Studies, KNDA)

신정승 (국립외교원 중국연구센터장, 前 주중 한국대사)

발표 및 토론
권병현 (한·중 문화청소년협회 미래숲 대표, 한·중 수교협상 실무 수석대표)
김석우 (21세기국가발전연구원 원장)
장팅옌 (중·한우호협회 부회장, 초대 주한 중국대사)
쉬둔신 (중국외교부 외교정책자문위원회 위원, 한·중 수교 협상 중국측 수석대표)

허은진 (국립외교원 중국연구센터 연구원)

With the 20th anniversary commemoration of diplomatic normalization between Korea and China, this session is specially designed to review the past and current critical issues and to propose a vision for further development of the bilateral relationship.

In a departure from conventional seminar style, this session will be held in a style of open discourse regarding: 1) the environment before normalization, 2) the process of negotiation, 3) a retrospective from the 20th anniversary, and 4) the prospect and vision for development with eminent diplomats who participated in the process of normalization and in subsequent historically significant events in the ROK-PRC relationship.

한·중 수교 20주년을 맞아 수교 이후 현재까지의 주요 이슈와 현황을 정리하고 향후 양국 관계 발전의 주요 요인들을 제시하고 검토해 보는 세션입니다.

기존의 세미나 형식을 탈피하여 공개적이며 자유로운 방식의 대담을 통하여 한·중 수교 당시와 이후 양국 외교 관계의 주요 인사들이 모여 1) 수교전의 분위기, 2) 교섭과정, 3) 지난 20년의 회고, 4) 향후 전망과 발전의 비전을 제시합니다.

