LEE Young-ho 이영호
Northeast Asian History Foundation
President 이사장
동북아역사재단 이영호 이사장은

2020.12~ 현재 동북아역사재단 제6대 이사장
2020.09~ 현재 인하대학교 명예교수
1995.02~2020.08 인하대학교 사학과 교수
1987.03~1995.02 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 교양과정부 교수
2004.01~2004.12 한국역사연구회 회장
2004.06~2006.06 고구려연구재단 자문위원
2007.03~2008.12 친일반민족행위자 재산조사위원회 자문위원
2008.01~2011.12 한국사연구회 편집위원
2016.07~2020.12 서울특별시 역사도시서울위원회 위원

The following is a brief vita of Lee Young-ho, President of the Northeast Asian History Foundation.

Since December 2020~: President of the Northeast Asian History Foundation
Since September 2020: Professor Emeritus of Inha University
February 1995~August 2020: Professor of History at Inha University
March 1987~February 1995: Professor of Liberal Arts at KAIST
January 2004~December 2004: Chairman of the Korean History Society
June 2004~June 2006: Advisory Committee Member Goguryo History Foundation
March 2007~December 2008: Advisory Committee Member, The Investigative Commission on Pro-Japanese Collaborators’ Property
January 2008~December 2011: Editorial Associate, The Korean History SocietyJuly 2016~December 2020: Associate, Seoul Council for the Promotion of Seoul as a Historical City