MIN Moo-Suk 민무숙
Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education
President 원장
President Moo-suk Min appointed the 7th President of Korean Institute for Gender Equality Promotion and Education in Feburary, 2016. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Sociology of Education from University of Illinois, MA in Sociology of Education from Seoul National University and B.A in English Literature, Ewah Womans University.
She served several important roles in government offices. Director General for Policy Planning Bureau,Women's Resources Development Division, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. Before working in the MOGEF, she served Director of Planning and coordination division in Korean Women’s Development Institute and Secretary to the President for Women and Family Affairs, Office of the President.
Also she worked as Head of Internal Audit Department in Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Gender Equality Committee for Appointment of faculty and Member of Policy Counsel, Ministry of Education, Member of Joint Assessment of local government, Ministry of Interior and Working committee member, Committee of Policy for Foreigners, Ministry of Justice.

민무숙 한국양성평등교육진흥원장은 2016년 2월 제7대 원장으로 취임했다. 민무숙원장은 이화여자대학교 영문학 학사, 서울대학교 교육사회학 석사, 일리노이대 교육사회학 박사학위를 받았다. 이어 여성가족부 여성인력기획관, 한국여성정책연구원의 기획조정실장과 대통령비서실 여성가족비서관을 수행했다. 또 여성가족부 자체평가위원장, 교육부 대학교원임용양성평등위원회 및 정책자문위원회, 행정자치부 지방자치단체 합동평가위원, 법무부 외국인정책위원회 실무위원 등을 역임했다.